We Are Two

The Initiative is a collective of two, providing web development services with a heavy focus on brand messaging.

The internet is the new shopfront for your company, and therefore your website needs to deliver a message that your customers can resonate with.

We strive to work with you in first refining that brand message, and then executing it using all the tools and technologies at our disposal.

Our tech stack is currently in Javascript, using React, Gatsby, Nextjs. We constantly reevaluate what is the most efficient way to deliver on our products.

Our Design Process

We seek to first understand your brand and who your customers are, as well as the brand message that you want to bring to them.

We then go through a "mood board" phase of ideation with you in order to refine what we believe best fits your brand and message.

Then we execute on the agreed upon design sketch and turn it into a website, tailored to you and your audiences' needs.

Tang Li Qun

Li Qun works on Web, iOS and Android technologies at his day job in a global media agency, while he focuses his energy on web graphic design, animation and UX work for projects under The Initiative. He is based in Tokyo, Japan.

Matthew Yong

Matthew takes up projects developing websites with ReactJS and GatsbyJS. He focuses on building fast-loading static websites that can be managed and deployed efficiently. He is based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and works full-time with an international bank.